Contact a representative today!
  • Nov 11, 2020 | 10 am PST
  • 60 MIN
The American Rescue Plan Act is making it possible for organizations to provide safe environments and efficient services for constituents. The funds cover multiple use cases, including broadband infrastructure, making now the time to invest in robust and secure IT solutions.

Cisco Meraki is dedicated to supporting agencies no matter where they are in their digital transformation journey. We provide an intuitive approach to technology, delivering impactful experiences that result in empowered employees and safe and protected schools and citizens. Delivering on that promise, the Meraki platform offers unrivaled performance, security, and scale—allowing simplicity from anywhere.

After filling out this form a representative will contact you to discuss federal funding initiatives.
ARPA funding can help you:
  • Deliver smart spaces and safe environments
  • Provide physical and data security
  • Enable secure citizen and student experiences
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Bob Marley
Technical director, Marine Layer
Bob Marley
Technical director, Marine Layer
Support request received!
Funding inquiry—thank you!
Thank you for your federal funding inquiry. A representative will reach out to you shortly to answer any questions you have relating to funds available to you. In the meantime, please feel free to review the resources on our Meraki funding page at your convenience.